Joshua Wedlock / 조쉬 웨드락
In this post I will be discussing the five factors I mentioned in my TEDx talk about success in more detail. My speech, entitled Get Real, examined the following five factors: locus of control (통제 소재), engagement (참여), self-awareness (자기 인식), self-efficacy (자기 효능감), and responsibility (책임감)
Get Real! – A TED talk by: Joshua Wedlock / 조쉬 웨드락
Locus of control 통제 소재
In most cases success or failure is a direct consequence of one’s actions or inactions. Those who blame external forces for their failures are often less successful than those who see results as a direct consequence of their actions. (성공 또는 실패를 정의하는 것은 그 원인이 내부(내 탓)에서 오는지 아니면 외부(환경탓)에서 오는지에 따라 성공의 여부가 달라진다.)
People can either attribute their successes and failures to things they have control over or to forces outside of their control. This continuum places external control at one end and internal control at the other.
People who develop an internal locus of control believe that they are responsible for their own success. Those with an external locus of control believe that external forces, like luck or chance, determine their outcomes.
It has been found in study after study that those with a more internal locus of control achieve greater levels of success (not just in education, but in a broad range of fields). This being the case, it is very important to take steps to help your students develop an internal locus of control.
Get real about what really contributed to your success or failure!
Engagement 참여, 관심을 보임.
You must care about what you do and why you do it. The more you are engaged with something the more chance you have of being successful at it. (관계/일에 있어서 내가 관심을 가지는 정도가 성공의 여부에 많은 영향을 미친다. 관심을 기울이는 만큼 더 많이 하게 되어있기 때문에.)
Engagement is caring about what you do and why you do it. Engagement is being (willingly) involved with the task or activity. Engagement is emotional investment. Engagement is having a sense of agency (선택 의지) and being self-empowered.
Those who are engaged in something, especially students, tend to do better at school and are often more emotionally content. In the workplace, engagement has been linked to success in several key areas (e.g. increased levels of job satisfaction, more opportunities for promotion, an enhanced feeling of belonging, etc.).
With all of the benefits that being actively engaged in tasks, relationships, studies, jobs, hobbies, and conversations (etc.) can bestow upon people, isn’t it time we started to help our students see the benefits and the power of engagement?
Get real about being engaged and caring about what you do!
Self-awareness 자가 인식, 자가 인지
Being self-aware allows you to honestly address any weakness or self-limiting beliefs you have. It also allows you to develop confidence in your strengths. Being self-aware is important for both professional and personal success. (자신의 약점과 장점에 대해서 정확하게 알고 있고, 그것을 일과 개인의 삶에 적절하게 사용하는 것이 성공에 있어서 중요한 요인이 된다.)
In the field of education being self-aware is of the utmost importance to those who desire to be the most effective educators they can be. However, the benefits of self-awareness are not limited to the field of education. Self-awareness has been listed as one of the key factors responsible for success both professionally and personally.
The research suggests that knowing yourself is one of the keys to becoming more effective in what you do. This is because knowing yourself helps you mitigate your weaknesses and play to your strengths. It allows you to question the beliefs and assumptions that underlie your decision making process (both professionally and personally), and then allows you to implement steps to overcome any self-limiting beliefs and challenge any false assumptions you may possess.
Helping our students learn to become more self-aware is one thing a teacher can do to help our students reach their full potential.
Get real about knowing yourself!
Self-efficacy 자가 효능감, 자신감
You must believe you can accomplish a task! Believing you can achieve a task, regardless of setback or hardships, is an important skill to develop if you want to be successful. (내가 무엇을 반드시 성취할 수 있다는 것을 확실하게 믿고 그 과정 안에서 어려움이 있더라고 계속해서 밀고 가는 것은 성공에 있어서 중요한 요소이다.)
Self-efficacy can be defined as one's belief in their ability to succeed in a specific situation or to accomplish a specific task. One's sense of self-efficacy effects how one approaches goals, tasks, and challenges.
The basic idea is that you must believe in your ability to complete a task or get something done. If you have a firm belief in your ability to accomplish something then you are more likely to take steps to ensure you achieve your task or goal.
Having a strong belief in yourself helps you persevere through hardships and see setbacks and mistakes as just part of the process.
Get real about trusting in your ability and committing to the task!
Responsibility 책임감, 책임지려하는 의지
You must take responsibility for your actions and inactions if you want to achieve great results. You must also take responsibility for your mistakes and for making sure you are trying your best to achieve your goals. (행동이나 일에 있어서 반드시 책임을 지고, 실수를 했다면 그것을 인정하는 것이 목적을 달성하는데 있어서 중요한 역할을 한다.)
Success is closely linked to how much responsibility a person takes for their actions. However, not only do you have to take responsibility for you actions, but you have to take responsibility for your inactions.
To facilitate success it is important to understand the difference between having responsibility and taking responsibility. In short, those who take responsibility (by being proactive) often achieve greater levels of success. For example, as teachers we have the responsibility to teach our students, however many teachers don’t take the responsibility to do this in an effective or engaging way. They choose to cruise by and do the bare minimum. They choose not to take on the responsibility of being the best teacher they can be. They have the responsibility to teach, but they don’t take responsibility to do it well.
So regardless of your position or task, take responsibility for doing it to the best of your ability. Take responsibility for mistakes and learn from them. Take responsibility to learn from others with more experience or knowledge than you. Take the responsibility to help others. Take the responsibility to be proactive in your pursuit of success.
Get real about taking responsibility for you actions!
Thanks for reading.
Keep English Real!
Note: Success (성공) is a dynamic concept that means different things to different people. For this article, the term success can be defined as achieving a certain goal or completing a certain task in a way that meets or exceeds one’s expectations.
Success is achieving the goals and outcomes that you wish to achieve.